We worked together Henna and I and Lavinia gave us such a
small-scale task as going through all the employee files and see what documents
they are missing. We did this based on the list of what should be in the file
in general and every employees personal update request letter (if they had been
sent it). So we made a list for Lavinia. Later Lavinia (or more likely: us) will
send these employees who had been sent the update letter a warning of failing
to update the personal file despite the letter of request. We don’t yet know
about the procedures considering the personnel who hasn’t been sent the letter,
but probably they’ll be sent it.
We divided the task so I went physically through the files
based and told Henna the information to be written on the list to be sent
Lavinia. We also worked downstairs so we got to handle employees, customers and
phone calls at the same time. We were given with us downstairs also the
certificate binder and we got to give certificates to people who came asking
for them (in exchange for the identity card of course). We also took in
employees personal time sheets to deliver upstairs.
After my lunch break I stayed upstairs as Henna proceeded
downstairs with the files. Upstairs I was given a pile of receipts to organize based
on the client. What made this interesting was that the receipts were all hand-written
and didn’t necessarily have the exact same name on them. But I grasped the
system quite fast and this was a great opportunity to get to know some names
and localities of the sights. It was also rewarding to see the pile grow
thinner, understanding more and more of the sight names and at last seeing the
neat, very well organised pile of receipts. The day went again by pretty
quickly, even though we actually stayed there for solid eight hours. We also
had some guests from Finland in the afternoon. ;)
We started (or more like did for half of the day) the day by
going through the rest of the files to be listed for Lavinia. The employees are
listed in three categories by their employment: full timer, part time 15 % and part time 10 %. The full timers make up about 60 % of all employees and part timers
together about 40 %, if we think on those terms. Henna managed the day before
to do almost half of the full timers on herself by the end of the day. So we
had only a small pile of full timers and the part timers to go. Today we
switched so I wrote the list and Henna went through the files and told me what
to write. Again, we got to answer the phone, make phone calls, give out
certificates and accept guests. Today though the time moved very slowly…
When we finished all the files (which actually wasn’t as impossible
task as it seemed at first) we updated the database and uniform’s list based on
some papers that employees and employers had brought in. We also filed those papers
in the employees files or in the returned uniforms file. Today wasn’t anything
great, to be honest. But whose all days are, eh?
The top part of the day was when Maria gave us our uniforms.
The uniforms are smart and, to my huge surprise, fit actually quite well. The
uniform is quite similar to the one I wear at my workplace in Finland. So I
felt quite comfortable and home wearing it. I’m very much looking forward to
getting on the field.
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