maanantai 23. toukokuuta 2016


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We got to choose, which one would go to The Point and which one to Baystreet. I went to work on The Point and surprisingly it wasn’t as frustrating as it had been earlier.

The tasks weren’t any different, I just patrolled and answered to the customers questions. A lot of customers actually came to ask something, Monday’s magic.


I went to work to the office and continued doing the same things, engagements, terminations and filing. I really  got a hold of those things and it wasn’t as boring and dull as I thought at first. And I did an alright job, because I was let to do those things several times. That was the work I enjoyed doing the most.


The Point, again. Nothing changed, only patrolling and I got asked fewer questions.


It was our last day at the office. We returned our uniforms and received our contracts, job certificates and final grades about our internship. We also got reference letters. I don’t completely agree with the grading method, but it’s their company and as they saw us as workers. It’s nothing personal and I get that.


Lavinia gave us the last day off. We decided to use the opportunity to visit Popeye.s Village. It’s a theme park, the movie set of 1980’s Popeye film. I’m not a huge fan of theme parks (mostly because the overly pushy mascots) but this one was great. It was well preserved and there were just enough activities to keep the day interesting.

A lot of films have been filmed in Malta due to the amazing views and landscapes. And if I recall correctly we visited at least two more (Game of Thrones and By the sea) but I can’t remember where they were. 

Overall experience about the internship trip is that it was good. It wasn’t what I expected (I really tried my hard to not to expect anything and just take what was given, but apparently I  still expected something.) but it was at least different from what I was used to, the country and the work.

I got to travel and live abroad and that’s what I wanted. I would go again because it’s always a unique chance to actually be a part of people in a country and not just a tourist. 


1 kommentti:

  1. Good to hear. Welcome back and see you today at the feedback meeting! -Ilona
